Contact us
Corporate center
eV-group, LLC is the corporate center
13, 2-ya Zvenigorodskaya str., bld. 41, Moscow, 123022
Kompaniya ProektEnergoInzhiniring, LLC is an engineering consultancy company
165 Nemirovicha-Danchenko str., office 715, Novosibirsk, 630087
EnergoSet, LLC is an engineering and construction company
13, 2-ya Zvenigorodskaya str., bld. 41, Moscow, 123022
NPK KhimStroyEnergo, LLC is an engineering and construction company
13, 2-ya Zvenigorodskaya str., bld. 41, Moscow, 123022
MashTekhStroy, LLC and I-Trade, LLC are logistic companies
13, 2-ya Zvenigorodskaya str., bld. 41, Moscow, 123022
StroyEnergoKom, LLC is a technological company
2 Gamsonovsky alley, bld. 4, Moscow, 115191
Sib MIR, LLC is an engineering and system integration company
TPP Lab, LLC is an IT company