Corporate Academy

We participate in the implementation of the Mission unlocking and multiplying the potential of our employees

About Corporate Academy

eV-group Corporate Academy is responsible for the training and development of personnel of all subsidiaries and strategic partners of the company, implements the company's knowledge management system, special projects and external educational programs.


  • Participation in the implementation of the 2030 Strategy
  • Change management through staff development and staffing of organizational transformation
  • Participation in the implementation of the goal-setting methodology Objectives and Key Results (OKR)
  • Creating a learning company
  • Improving operational efficiency
  • Improving labor productivity including projects for the development of the holding's business system (Lean)
  • Preservation and dissemination of accumulated knowledge. Training of subcontractors and partners
  • Implementation of legislative norms
  • Conducting training of the holding's personnel to meet the requirements of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Rostechnadzor and other public authorities.

Programs and projects

Mandatory training

Training programs, pre-certification and pre-examination training, advanced training to meet mandatory state requirements for the level of personnel training and additional corporate requirements.

Development of engineering competencies

Professional retraining and advanced training programs for workers of the main professions as well as technicians and engineers.

Development of functional and business competencies

Training courses, professional retraining and advanced training programs for the development of knowledge, attitudes and skills of employees including the holding's talent pool.


Organization of strategic sessions, team building events, conferences, case championships and competitions.


Learning management systems and external educational platforms

Remote learning technologies are widely used in the educational process including our own iSpring-based learning management system (LMS).

Educational centers based on colleges and universities

A network of partner colleges and universities is being developed, on the basis of which the holding's employees are trained.


It is planned to open our own educational space in Moscow.