Technology company of the Automation and System Integration Division
About us
Digitalisation of electricity metering systems
StroyEnergoKom offers comprehensive solutions for electricity consumption metering:
- Creation of intelligent electricity metering systems (IEMS) for power supply companies and guaranteeing suppliers
- Creation of IMSE for grid companies
The IEMS solution includes:
- electricity metering devices, including 6-10 kV commercial electricity metering points, compliant with Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 dated 19.06.2020 ‘On the procedure for providing access to the minimum set of functions of intelligent electricity (capacity) metering systems’
- communication equipment with built-in means of cryptographic protection of information
- YODA software product for real-time transmission of information on replacement of metering devices
The IEMS collects the required information from the metering devices of electricity consumers via radio channels and its further transmission to the upper level of the IEMS. Data collection and transmission are performed with a specified periodicity or on request in real time mode. The solution of this problem allows to provide the organisation of access of IEMIS users (organisations, citizens) to its functions to the extent necessary for the implementation of their legal rights and obligations.
The strategic partner of the StroyEnergoKom is Zavod NARTIS company, which manufactures intelligent measuring and control equipment.