

Logistics company of the Supply Division

About us

MashTechStroy is a company that has been engaged in supply logistics since 2010, both on the open market and for the completion of construction projects of eV-group.

Distribution is performed from two warehouses in Moscow and Odintsovo.

revenue in 2023

92+ MUSD

industry expertise

14 years

items of equipment


Supply regions



Reliable supplier of equipment, materials and machinery

MashTechStroy supplies heat-mechanical and electrical equipment, materials and special machinery for construction of power and industrial facilities.

The accumulated experience allows us to take into account all nuances - manufacturers' workload, seasonal availability of facilities and regularity of transport routes - for delivery of large volume orders to the final recipient. Our customers can be sure that they will receive the required equipment within the agreed timeframe.

Supplied heat and mechanical equipment:

  • Pumping equipment and spare parts
  • Pipe fittings (steam and water gate valves, valves, etc.)
  • Heat-exchange equipment
  • Boilers and accessories
  • Electrostatic precipitators
  • Compressor equipment and spare parts
  • Pipe products and pipe products
  • Spare parts for turbines and generators and other

Supplied electrical equipment:

  • Power transformers
  • Complete switchgear with gas-insulated switchgear (GIS)
  • Circuit breakers
  • Disconnectors
  • Current and voltage transformers
  • Relay protection and automation (RPA)
  • Cables and wires
  • Automated system of commercial electricity metering (ASKUE)
  • Automated process control system (APCS)
  • Complete Switchgear Switchgear Cells (CSSC)

Geography of projects

From Kalinigrad to Vladivostok

Маяковская ТЭС/Талаховская ТЭС

Construction of Mayakovskaya and Talakhovskaya TPPs


Construction of 500 kV overhead line Primorskaya GRES - Vladivostok


Power supply of Kovykta field

Новоленская ТЭС

Construction of Novolenskaya TPP

Гусиноозерская ГРЭС

Modernization of Gusinoozerskaya GRES


Construction of 220 kV Tynda - Lopcha - Khani - Chara transmission line


Power supply to the Amur Gas Chemical Complex

Верхнетагильская ГРЭС

Modernization of Verkhnetagilskaya GRES

Костромская ГРЭС

Modernization of Kostromskaya GRES

Ириклинская ГРЭС

Modernization of Iriklinskaya GRES

Строительство завода по переработке гороха

Construction of a pea processing plant


Power supply of Vostok Oil facilities


Construction of 220 kV overhead line Komsomolskaya - Baikal - Oune/t - Kuznetsovsky - Landyshi/t - Vanino

Симоновская тепломагистраль

Reconstruction of Simonovskaya heating main

Электроснабжение парка «Зарядье»

Power Supply to Zaryadye Park

Каширская ГРЭС

Construction of Kashirskaya GRES CCGT



Строительство зданий и инженерных сооружений

Construction of Zavod NARTIS storage

Entity: "МашТехСтрой", "ЭнергоСеть"

Customer: ООО "Завод НАРТИС"

Geography: Череповец

В процессе реализации

To the project

Modernization of power unit No. 1 of Permskaya GRES

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